Altar Servers
To be an altar server is an honor and a privilege. As the late Pope John Paul II stated, "Your commitment to the altar is not only a duty, but a great honor, [and] a genuine holy service." The purpose of this ministry is serving at the Table of the Lord, assisting the presider in the celebration of the Eucharist as well as other sacraments or liturgical activities.
Altar Serving is not just about serving God. The ministry allows our youth and members of the parish to become more involved in their faith and to learn more about the practices and rituals of the Roman Catholic Church.

Volunteer Opportunities
The Altar Server Ministry at St. Luke is comprised of youths in grades 3-12. Servers attend an initial training and yearly in-service sessions. Servers assist the priest at Masses, Holy Days of Obligations, and other services as requested. Our servers are also active in other ministries of the church as well.
Time Commitment
Initial training and yearly in-service training. Rotational Masses as well as possible assistance at funerals and weddings.