Angel Giving Tree
To work hand-in-hand with the Refugee Resettlement Office of the Catholic Charities in the Charlotte Diocese.
The Angel Giving Tree Ministry receives a list of approximately 60 - 70 individuals from many different ethnic backgrounds. Most of these families have lived for years in refugee camps and their children were born, and know no other life, than what they experienced living in those refugee camps. The diocese is helping to relocate these refugee families to our area and is assisting them in beginning a new life in our beautiful city. In addition, approximately 40 - 50 deserving children within the St. Luke community also receive gifts (normally clothing or toys).

Volunteer Opportunities
The Giving Tree at St. Luke is a way for our parish to donate a little of our time, a little of our resources, and a lot of our love to help these families experience the joy of the Christmas season and the love of our Catholic community.
Time Commitment
Varied - beginning on or around the end of October. Preparing the gift tags that need to be updated with current information and printed on a color copier. Help is then needed to write in the gift information for each family member.
We usually prepare 3 gift tags for each adult and 4 gift tags for each child. These tags are then strung with yarn in order to hang them on the Giving Tree as ornaments. Coordination with Faith Formation helps in getting student and parent volunteers. Announcements are periodically sent to the church office for inclusion in the church bulletin.
* If you are interested in mentoring or assisting with the relocation process of these refugee families beyond the Giving Tree, contact Mary Jane Bruton at the Catholic Social Services office - 704-370-3283.