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Necesidades Actuales de Voluntarios

A continuación encontrará una lista de las oportunidades actuales de voluntariado.  Los voluntarios son vitales para la función de nuestra iglesia y en la comunidad.  Por favor considere donar su tiempo para ayudar a otros - juntos podemos lograr mucho.

Volunteers joining together

Servir en el consejo parroquial

San Lucas busca cuatro (4) voluntarios para formar parte del Consejo Parroquial. El Consejo Parroquial colabora con el párroco para brindar orientación concreta en la implementación de su visión y la misión de la iglesia. Los miembros también servirán de enlace con otros consejos y comisiones, como el Consejo de Finanzas y la Comisión de Vida Parroquial, junto con nuestro párroco. Asistirán a las reuniones regulares y facilitarán la comunicación entre los ministerios, el Consejo Parroquial, el párroco y el personal.

La intención es contar con una representación parroquial diversa para colaborar en subcomités y alcanzar objetivos y proyectos. Para obtener más información y solicitar plaza, visite .

Assistant Chair for Fall Festival (1 Opening)


We seek an assistant chair to help organize and oversee our Fall Festival.  Below is a list of responsibilities and qualifications:

  • Take Meeting Minutes

  • Support the chair in managing festival planning and execution; follow up with committee leads to ensure tasks are on track

  • Help facilitate meetings and gather and organize necessary information from the team

  • Strong leadership and teamwork skills; experience with volunteers and event planning

  • Organized, proactive, and detail-oriented.


Contact:  For more information or to apply, contact Cameron Crainer at




Volunteer Coordinators (2 Openings)


We need two Volunteer Coordinators to help lead and manage volunteers for our Fall Festival.  We need strong leaders with great coordination skills to ensure all festival areas are well-staffed and running smoothly.  Below is a list of responsibilities and qualifications:


  • Oversee and direct volunteers the day of the festivals, and problem-solve as needed

  • Keep festival events running efficiently and motivate and support volunteers

  • Strong leadership and communication skills and ability to stay organized with a positive and motivational attitude.


Contact:  For more information or to apply, contact Cameron Crainer at




Youth & Adult Games Coordinator (1 Opening)


We seek a games coordinator to work with our other coordinator lead game setup and organization for our Fall Festival.  This role will work closely with the volunteer coordinators to ensure each game station is properly staffed and running smoothly.  Below is a list of responsibilities and qualifications:


  • Oversee setup and organization of festival games

  • Work with volunteer coordinators to assign volunteers to game stations

  • Ensure smooth operations of games like Jenga, sack race, mini basketball, etc.

  • Manage prize distribution and keep games engaging for all ages

  • Strong leadership and organizational skills, and ability to wor with both youth and young adult volunteers with a positive and motivational attitude.  


Contact:  For more information or to apply, contact Cameron Crainer at




Kid Zone & DIY Space Coordinator (1 Opening)


We need one volunteer to assist our current coordinator in help planning engaging activities for children at our Fall Festival.  Below is a list of responsibilities and qualifications:


  • Set up and oversee Kid Zone activities for children 10 and younger

  • Manage DIY Space activities for older kids

  • Coordinator with the volunteer coordinators to ensure proper staffing

  • Create engaging activities that are safe and well planned and organized

  • Strong leadership and organizational skills and ability to work with children of all ages

  • Creative and energetic.


Contact:  For more information or to apply, contact Cameron Crainer at




Adult Traffic Leaders (2 Openings)


We need two adult traffic leaders to help oversee parking and traffic flow for our Fall Festival.  These leaders will also lead a team of volunteers to ensure smooth traffic movement and safety.  Responsibilities and qualifications include:


  • Direct early morning vendor and volunteer parking and oversee participant parking and traffic flow in parking lots

  • Lead and coordinate a team of volunteers and ensure a safe and organized parking experience

  • Strong leadership and organizational skills

  • Ability to give clear directions to the team

  • Comfortable working outdoors and on your feet.​


Contact:  For more information or to apply, contact Cameron Crainer at

Lead Mass Coordinator Needed

Necesitamos un feligrés para servir como Coordinador Principal de Misas. El coordinador principal se asegura de que todas las misas sean atendidas por coordinadores de misa, prepara el espacio de culto para la misa, asiste a las reuniones litúrgicas una vez al mes y capacita a los nuevos coordinadores. Se ofrece capacitación para coordinadores principales. Si está interesado, contacte a Barbara Angelo en .

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